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Farming is facing a paradigm shift in which smart IT solutions will modernise the industry and make it more efficient. The EU Framework Programme for…
New sensors and technology for purifying the air will make it possible for farmers to control ammonia emission and remediate odour from livestock…
With data from 28,000 single-family houses, researchers have analysed the historical development of our actual energy consumption for heating private…
A specially designed lid can solve the problem of burning your tongue when you drink hot coffee. A group of engineering students is behind the…
A new energy laboratory at Aarhus University will provide new knowledge about how to optimise a sustainable electricity supply in Denmark and the rest…
AU Engineering is opening a new laboratory – the Orbit Lab – packed with advanced technological hardware. The Orbit Lab is an offer to the…
By combining two different scanning technologies, researchers have succeeded in creating completely new and detailed images of cancer tumours in mice.…
Aarhus University researchers are starting a major European research project this month. The aim is to develop new technology for the electronics of…
A group of engineering students has built an earthquake simulator that can very precisely recreate historical earthquakes in the laboratory. They can…
It is possible to shift our energy consumption to times of the day when there is plenty of power from renewable sources such as solar and wind. At…
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