Aarhus University Seal

AU Engineering Alumni

Join the alumni group

What's an alumnus?

An alumnus is a graduate - that is a former student who has completed a degree programme.

The alumni network at AU Engineering is targeted former students with an engineering degree from Aarhus School of Engineering or Aarhus University. We invite all graduates with an engineering degree to join the alumni network.

We also invite current and former staff members as well as exchange students and students from the admission course who have completed at least one semester at AU Engineering.

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Feel free to send us good ideas, questions and comments at contact@auengineering.au.dk - we will get back to you as soon as possible, typically within 1-2 working days.

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If you would like to be part of the AU Engineering LinkedIn group for former students

Why join the AU Alumni network

Joining the Alumni network is free of charge.

You will be part of the Aarhus University Alumni network along with more than 28,500 other alumni from Aarhus University.

You can become member if you are a former student at Aarhus University or a current/former staff member at Aarhus University.