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It may well be a nice idea to buy organic, but you can never be sure that the products you buy really are 100% organic. A major new EU project is…
Denmark has long been at the forefront of renewable energies and their system integration. Danish energy research is now helping China plan its…
"You’re bombarded with invitations from businesses and head-hunters," says one of the many new MSc’s in Engineering who graduated from Aarhus…
In summer 2019, Aarhus University will be offering three new five-year MSc in Engineering programmes and thereby opening 240 additional student…
On Tuesday evening at 7:38 Danish time, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will shoot skywards and into space from Cape Canaveral in Florida. On board will be…
A Danish study has highlighted on a number of problems and possible solutions for consultations between physicians and cancer patients. Now,…
He became a professor in 2005. He defended his doctoral dissertation in 2013. Now, Sven Gjedde Sommer has started on the next chapter in his quest for…
Nine universities across Europe are working together to produce green, sustainable and biodegradable chemicals using light as the fuel and generating…
80 years ago, a screw and a piece of dental floss revolutionized an invention dating back more than 5,000 years. An international team of scientists…
Researchers are to make 3D maps of the subsoil below agricultural areas to obtain detailed knowledge about the nitrogen need for the individual field.…
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