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Computing power is now so strong that it can design building constructions with such a degree of perfection that architects and engineers have to give…
Aarhus University will use a new programme to ensure that knowledge about digitalisation and materials technology will benefit Danish companies. This…
Aarhus University researchers have just launched a multi-million euro project that aims to use micro-scale implants inside the living brain to cure…
Researchers have been able for the first time to identify the extent to which manure contributes to the atmospheric content of sulphur.
A well-attended opening of the latest research centre at Science and Technology saw the emergence of good ideas and visions for the future right from…
A bunch of bachelor students from Mechanical Engineering at Aarhus University are in full swing building a physical version of a very special computer…
After three days in the clean room, five Aarhus University students finished building the Delphini-1 satellite, which will be sent into orbit next…
Progress in electronic technologies during the last five decades has fundamentally changed society on a global scale, and has been of radical…
In a short space of time, a group of engineering students at Aarhus University created a new IT system for the Spinal Cord Injury Centre of Western…
Climate-KIC: Engineers can to a great extent help provide new technological solutions in the transition to a greener and more sustainable society.
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