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The Aarhus University Board has approved the Senior Management Team’s recommendation to strengthen the field of engineering at Science and Technology…
A team of researchers has elucidated individual profiles of allergy reactivity in patients that are not protected after treatment with immunotherapy.…
After several years of work, a group of engineering students have now managed to carry out a total of four successful launches of a rocket engine on a…
Researchers at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital have developed an intelligent measuring station that very precisely records the blood…
It usually requires a nose to be able to smell, but researchers have now succeeded for the first time in developing a convincing method to measure…
A new study shows that it is possible to save money and reduce carbon dioxide emission by using more energy.
In the coming years, Aarhus University is taking part in a new project that will contribute to better removal of microplastics from wastewater.
Aarhus University now has its own data centre where students and researchers can experiment with technologies for cloud computing. Two engineering…
Bo Thiesson from Enversion A/S has been appointed Honorary Professor of Machine Learning at the Department of Engineering, Aarhus University. He is…
Using enzyme technology, researchers at Aarhus University have succeeded in producing a group of new substances with properties including the…
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