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Denmark is a leading nation of knowledge when it comes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. A workshop followed by an international…
Using vertical solar-cell installations, researchers from Aarhus University will harvest both energy and crops from the same agricultural area. The…
There hasn’t been much focus on the green transition of construction sites – but there’s a lot to be gained. A number of companies and knowledge…
Artificial intelligence is a key word in two major EU-funded projects aiming to dramatically reduce the number of accidents and close call incidents…
He has helped more than anyone else to adorn the flat, Danish landscape with monumental buildings. Now, the award-winning civil engineer Klaus H.…
296 new Bachelor of Engineering students started their programmes at Aarhus University last week. This is an increase of 31 per cent compared with the…
A new research project is offering help to small and medium-sized Danish agro-companies to work strategically with data, generate growth, and develop…
Aarhus University now has its new management for the engineering area in place, and on 1 March 2021, four heads of department will take up their…
It is important to have detailed information on waste streams from households and industry if the green transition is to succeed. Recycling plastics…
Assistant Professor Shweta Agarwala from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Aarhus University will use materials science and…
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