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When this specific bacteria is denied oxygen, it produces new substances. Substances that have the potential to be used in cancer treatments or…
Associate Professor Jens Vinge Nygaard is the newly appointed Distinguished Senior Innovator at the Faculty of Technical Sciences at Aarhus…
Modern cybercrime has become more sophisticated. Technological developments and the threat landscape have changed dramatically over just a few years,…
Almost 140 companies took part in the autumn internship days at AU Engineering. "A great opportunity to meet the students," said the business…
Seven universities and eight companies from all over Europe have joined forces in a large, interdisciplinary research project to develop new…
Five students from Aarhus University will soon be venturing out into the world to expand their academic, social and cultural horizons. One of them is…
After many years of collaborating with the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Professor Anne S. Kiremidjian from Stanford University…
Aarhus University is making its rooftops available for solar PVs financed by students, employees and the citizens of Aarhus. The first solar PVs have…
The Aarhus Centre for Regenerative Building has been officially launched, and with it starts a movement towards regenerative building that is not only…
The prestigious International Award of Merit in Structural Engineering 2024 goes to 'Denmark's bridge builder', Professor of Engineering Klaus H.…
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