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Aarhus University would like to congratulate all the newly graduated MSc and BSc in engineering students.
Students and employees at Aarhus University will have the opportunity to invest in solar cells fitted on the rooftops of the university’s buildings.…
A new research project will use renewable energy from local, privately owned wind turbines to improve the efficiency of Danish biogas production at…
For the first time, we can now tell the difference between a wide range of plastic types and thereby separate plastics according to their chemical…
A new research project aims to develop a photocatalytic process that can transform the hard-to-degrade and harmful environmental toxins PFAS into…
Aarhus University researchers are involved in a major international research project to develop new decision-making tools for renovation featuring…
A common aspect of most manufacturing processes is to shape components by removing chips from materials surface. Now, researchers from Aarhus…
A small ring around the main artery may cure patients with leaking heart valves. Researchers have documented its effect on animals and they hope they…
The EU LivestockSense project is an important step towards a better understanding of individual farmer's attitudes towards the use of intelligent…
By using ground-breaking new electronics and data modelling, a team of researchers from Aarhus University has proven that it is possible to carry out…
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