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After many years of collaborating with the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Professor Anne S. Kiremidjian from Stanford University…
Aarhus University is making its rooftops available for solar PVs financed by students, employees and the citizens of Aarhus. The first solar PVs have…
The Aarhus Centre for Regenerative Building has been officially launched, and with it starts a movement towards regenerative building that is not only…
The prestigious International Award of Merit in Structural Engineering 2024 goes to 'Denmark's bridge builder', Professor of Engineering Klaus H.…
Construction accounts for a huge part of society's waste production and energy consumption, and this must change if the industry is to be sustainable.…
Today, calculations of a construction project's energy consumption and carbon emissions are based on information from manufacturers in manuals and…
Tutors and lecturers will be busy when the largest group of engineering students in the university's history starts after the summer holidays.
Industry and academia discussed the newest technologies and solutions that can reduce the climate footprint at the Power-to-X Symposium.
Several hundred engineers graduated last week. Aarhus University wishes all the newly graduated engineers the best of luck in the future.
Independent Research Fund Denmark has awarded Sapere Aude: DFF-Starting Grants to 38 promising researchers from across Denmark. Four researchers from…
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