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A new project funded by the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme aims to develop technology and upscale the talent pool for the…
From tiny houses in Holstebro to day care centres in Ukraine: 3DCP is the name of Denmark's first 3D print turnkey contractor and its founders, Hasan…
In the battle to attract future engineers, a great number Danish companies attended P-day and Matchday at Aarhus University to scout for new interns.
At Aarhus University, 16 researchers are developing a sustainable technology that, using biomass and sunlight, will capture and break down perpetual…
The global economy is in the midst of a booming industrial revolution driven by digitalisation, providing companies with entirely new technological…
Perhaps there is a correlation between sleep patterns and mental illness that we have not previously been able to understand. In a new study,…
A new type of exoskeleton controlled by signals from any well-functioning muscles can help people with paralysis or functional impairments.
Many young people visited Navitas as part of Denmark's largest open house for higher education, U-Days, to learn more about the engineering degree…
Aaron Hurst, PhD student at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aarhus University, is lauded as a research talent at this year’s…
What’s it like to study engineering? Aarhus University has made a number of short documentary films with an honest and open glimpse into life as a…
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