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With a grant from Independent Research Fund Denmark of DKK 2 million, a team of researchers from Aarhus University hopes to develop a sensor made of…
The ReMeSh research project will increase our understanding of microorganisms' ability to convert CO2 into methane and it will form the basis for…
In a major EU project, researchers from Aarhus University will develop brand new technologies to process and analyse image and audio sensor data from…
A new innovative project aims to redraw the boundaries for fashion design, recycling technologies and consumer behaviour. Worn, damaged or new clothes…
It might be a good idea to look for inspiration in nature when designing load-bearing foundations for buildings. Researchers from Aarhus University…
The concept of storing renewable energy in stones has come one step closer to realisation with the construction of the GridScale demonstration plant.…
A building at AU Foulum, which among other things houses a demonstration plant for biorefining, was ravaged by fire on Tuesday night. Despite damage…
Using excess electricity from wind and solar power, and CO2 from biogas, a new research and development project is aiming to produce biomethane in a…
Researchers from the universities in Aarhus and Aalborg are working closely with leading companies to develop intelligent, battery-less sensors that…
Selin Kara is a new professor at the Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering at Aarhus University, where her research aims at using natural…
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