Aarhus University Seal

Welcome to 1211 new engineering students

Tutors and lecturers will be busy when the largest group of engineering students in the university's history starts after the summer holidays.

AU Engineering is getting ready to welcome 1211 new students. This is the largest number in the history of the university. (Photo: Lars Kruse, archive)

Right now, all is quiet on campus. It’s clearly the middle of the summer holidays. In a short time, the silence will be broken with a bang when the new semester starts, and campus will be abuzz for many years to come, as Aarhus University has offered study places to no fewer than 1211 engineering students - the largest group of new students in the history of the university. 

Overview of admission figures 

"This is good news for all of Denmark and for the many companies demanding highly skilled labour. The new students can expect a rich student life and a future life at work with excellent opportunities," says Finn Borchsenius, vice dean at the Faculty of Technical Sciences at Aarhus University.

Engineers from Aarhus University have the lowest unemployment rate among graduates in Denmark.

Dreams come true

The vast majority of the many new students are first-choice applicants. This means that they have realised their greatest wishes for higher education. 

"We’re delighted that we can welcome so many dedicated young people to our engineering programmes. For the vast majority, it's a dream come true, and it is a great starting point for life as a university student," says Finn Borchsenius. 

31 applicants have been offered a standby place this year. 

See also: Huge demand for engineering places at Aarhus University

Vacancies and winter intake

Only the Bachelor of Engineering programmes in Food Technology and Electrical Energy Technology have a few places available.

It is possible to apply for admission to these programmes on au.dk  from Friday 26 July to 1 August. 

It is also possible to apply for a programme with a winter start. The application deadline in this case is 1 November. 

Read more about winter intake on engineering degree programmes.

Study start at AU Engineering

The semester starts, and the first day of classes for all engineering students, is 26 August. 

The intro days will be on 21-23 August. 

More information

Our student counsellors are ready to answer your questions. 

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