Engineers spearhead new energy cooperative at Aarhus University
A new energy community at AU wants to install solar panels on the roofs of three buildings. Students and staff can get a share in them for approximately DKK 1000.

Since early 2022, Associate Professor Marta Victoria and academic staff member Zhe Zhang from the Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering at Aarhus University have been working on setting up a cooperative energy community at Aarhus University, which will result in solar panels on the roofs of AU's buildings.
The project has now had a decisive breakthrough as the association, called the University's Energy Association, was registered by the Danish Business Authority in September. This has opened up for crowdfunding, while the association tries to find a supplier for the first solar panel to be installed in the Nobel Park. This is expected to happen next year.
Over 250 shares have already been reserved by employees and students. There are a total of 1000 shares available, and one person cannot own more than five percent, corresponding to 50 shares. Reserving a share costs DKK 100.
The price of a share will be determined once a solar cell supplier is found. Project coordinator Zhe Zhang expects that a share will cost between DKK 900 and 1000.
The University's Energy Association F.M.B.A. was founded in August 2023 and approved as an association by the Danish Business Authority in September 2023.
Andreas Jacobsen is a PhD student at the Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering and chairman of the association. He explains that the electricity produced by the solar installation will provide a return every year.
“It’ll take between 10 and 20 years for the returns to exceed the costs. The solar cells are expected to last for 25 years. In other words, it is possible to receive a small return as a shareholder, but it will take many years,” he says.
He emphasises that the solar panels should not be seen as an investment, but as an opportunity to own and support green energy.
The project involves both students and young researchers
One of the main objectives of the energy association is that everyone at AU can take part in it.
23-year-old Iben Underbjerg is a medical student. She heard about the project last year and decided to become a part of it because of the potential to influence the green transition.
“The project is very concrete and tangible. And it's simple and low risk. The project also plays a part in my vision for a more climate-friendly and sustainable future. This shows that you can take part in a larger project with few resources. Energy communities are built on the idea of cooperative associations, and I really believe they will play a major role in the green transition in the future,” she says.
Supported by the EU
The project is part of the EU-supported Aurora project, where several universities work on a research basis to create sustainable energy solutions. The solar cells will remain, even after the project is finished, according to Marta Victoria.
They are expected to last for 20 to 25 years. She expects that the solar panels will initially have a capacity of 100 kilowatts.
Marta Victoria and Zhe Zhang both consider this to be a pilot project which will hopefully expand to even more green projects at the university.
How to invest in solar cells at Aarhus University
The University's Energy Association F.M.B.A. was founded in August 2023 and approved as an association by the Danish Business Authority in September 2023.
The solar panels yield a financial return every year through the electricity they produce. According to the association, it will take between 10 and 20 years for the return to exceed the costs. The solar cells are expected to last for 25 years.The association emphasises that the solar panels should not be seen as an investment, but as an opportunity to own and support green energy.
Andresas Jacobsen, ph.d.-student
Chairman of the University's Energy Association F.M.B.A
Aarhus University, Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering
Associate Professor Marta Victoria
Aarhus University, Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering
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