New engineering degree programme fully booked
Mechanical engineering has become popular at Aarhus University, and the new Bachelor's programme of the same name has attracted more than there’s room for. This year, mechanical engineering is the most popular Bachelor of Engineering programme. Overall, engineering degree programmes are up 18% on last year.

Green energy, smart new materials, robots and autonomous technology are in. At least they are if you look at the figures for admissions to engineering degree programmes at Aarhus University.
The newly opened three-year Bachelor's degree programme in mechanical engineering has had a flying start, and 54 young people will be offered a place on the degree programme after the summer. This means that all the places have been filled.
This year is the first time that the Bachelor's degree programme in mechanical engineering is being offered, and all the places have been allocated to applicants who had the programme as their first priority.
"Technology will be enormously important in solving the major challenges facing the world, and mechanical engineers will be even more in demand in the future. It is therefore both moving and reassuring to see that so many young people have chosen these programmes as their first priority, and I personally very much look forward to welcoming them after the summer," says Professor Lars Ditlev Mørck Ottosen, head of department at the Department of Engineering.
The 3½-year Bachelor of Engineering programme in mechanical engineering has always been popular, and this year it is the first choice for many applying for the university's engineering programmes.
A total of 133 young people have been offered a place on the programme, the majority of whom start in the summer. The programme still has vacant places, but not many, and Conni Simonsen, director at the Aarhus University School of Engineering, is pleased that mechanical engineering is such a popular choice.
"This suggests that the young generation has discovered that mechanical engineers are actually among those who are pushing the green transition forward. It is a very broad education, as mechanical engineers develop the technology that supports the revolutionary developments we’re seeing in many different fields, such as the energy sector, the pharmaceutical industry and the robot industry," she says.
Overall, the engineering degree programmes at Aarhus University have 18% more places than last year. The increase can be attributed to the Bachelor's degree programmes in engineering (civilingeniørbacheloruddannelserne), which this year are offering 144 more applicants a student place. But Bachelor of Engineering programmes (diplomingeniørerne) also have 38 more places this year than last year.
Jesper Bruun
Journalist, AU Engineering
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