"Dream with your eyes open"
Yesterday, 85 students graduated as master of science in engineering from the Department of Engineering, Aarhus University.

"If you want to do something meaningful, become an engineer."
Wise words of Nikolaj Skousen, a fresh graduate in Biomedical Engineering. He is one of the 85 students, who graduated yesterday on June 28 as master of science in engineering.
Together with the rest of his fellow students from his term, he is now set loose upon a world craving for engineers with a solid technical background.
That’s a fact, and it’s a fact that head of department, Thomas Toftegaard, reminded the many young, clever graduate minds when he saluted their great achievement at the graduation ceremony:
"All of you, who are graduating today, have unbelievable opportunities. So many exciting things are happening in the world around us. Technology is ever more critical for everyone on earth. Things are changing rapidly and technology is the key in that transformation. You are all going to have the opportunity to change the landscape. Congratulations," he said.
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Casper Hansen, CEO of the tech company Technicon and a former student at AU Engineering, continued where Thomas Toftegaard set off.
In his speech acknowledging the graduates, Casper Hansen emphasized the Aarhus University seal: Solidum petit in profundis - we seek solid ground in the depths.
"Remember this forever," he said, and continued:
"To be able to dream – to be able to hold on to this dream, and to be able to achieve a dream together with others. That is for me the true essence of life. Now it is your turn. You have passed a bridge and turned a corner. Now you go dream with your eyes open."
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Master of science in engineering, Sofie Mikkelsen, at the graduate ceremony. For her, the opportunity to make a difference in the world was important in her choice of engineering. Photo: Henrik Olsen.
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To better something, change the world, do something that matters; this seems to be the driving force behind many of the new masters.
"If you want to make a difference, if you would like to develop technology, then you should become an engineer," said Sofie Mikkelsen, also a graduate in Biomedical Engineering, who’s considering advancing her career into research at the university.
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Mathias Jessen (right), master graduate in Computer Technology, says that engineers have the opportunity to develop technology, that helps people everywhere. Photo: Henrik Olsen.
She was backed by master of science Mathias Jessen, graduate in Computer Technology, who said:
"As an engineer, you’re creating something of actual value. Something, that actually benefits other people. That was also the reason I went into engineering in the first place."
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He is looking into a future in consulting, where he can use his expert computer knowledge to help companies of the future.
The graduation ceremony for the 85 new masters of science in engineering took place at Navitas on June 28.
A heartfelt congratulation to every graduate.
Head of department Thomas Toftegaard
Mail: tst@eng.au.dk
Phone: +45 21379470