Do you know someone who deserves the 2020 H.C Ørsted prize?
H.C. Ørsted Selskabet awards the prize to talented researchers at assistant professor, researcher and postdoc level. The deadline for nominations is 5 June.

H.C. Ørsted Selskabet calls for nominations of candidates for the H.C. 2020 Ørsted prize awarded to talented researchers at assistant professor, researcher or postdoc level employed at Danish universities.
In 2020, emphasis will be on candidates whose research relates to electromagnetism and its use in the broadest sense, for example the green transition.
The prize comes with DKK 10,000 for each of the winners and is awarded as a personal scholarship. The prize will be awarded by H.C. Ørsted Selskabet at an event in Rudkøbing, Langeland, on 14 August 2020, the birthday of Hans Christian Ørsted.