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Centuries-old art form generates completely new materials

Origami. For many people, the word means not much more than skilfully folding paper to resemble swans, frogs or other animals. But origami is much more. There are examples of origami throughout the modern world, but it's likely that you won't notice all the things that are in fact inspired by this 17th century Japanese art form.

[Translate to English:] Den gamle japanske kunstart kan komme til at spille en stor rolle i udviklingen af fremtidens højteknologiske materialer. (Foto: Lars Kruse)

For a number of years, Marcelo Dias has explored the mechanics of origami. He designs new materials with unique properties by changing their geometry. The technology's potential  is enormous. For example we will soon be able to wear electronics just like clothes:

"This will require that the electronics can move with our body and skin, but how is it possible to combine the suppleness of biological tissue with the regidity of metals? this is a conumdrum we are working to solve by borrowing techniques form this old art form," says Assistant Professor Marcelo Dias, Department of Engineering, Aarhus University.


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Marcelo Dias, adjunkt, Aarhus University