Aarhus University opens new engineering degree programmes in Herning
As part of a major initiative, Aarhus University is opening two new engineering degree programmes in Herning to start in summer 2019.

Two new Bachelor of Engineering programmes in electrical power engineering and mechanical engineering have just been approved by the Danish Accreditation Institution to open in Herning as early as next summer.
Both programmes are under the Aarhus University School of Engineering, and they are both located at Herning Campus, which is already home to four Bachelor of Engineering programmes and an MSc programme in civil engineering.
"We have a clear ambition to strengthen significantly the range of programmes offered outside of East Jutland. We’re in close dialogue with the local business community, and our expansion in Herning will help to ensure a sufficiently large and qualified supply of engineers in western Denmark. We know that our graduates contribute significantly to job creation and productivity growth, and this is therefore good news not only for Herning, but for the whole country," says Conni Simonsen, director at Aarhus University School of Engineering.
There is room for 30 students on each of the programmes, which open for applicants on 1 February 2019.
The expansion in Herning is part of Aarhus University's major engineering initiative to increase student numbers on engineering degree programmes and strengthen the technical research environment.
Degree programmes focus on sustainability
The two new programmes will have special focus on sustainability, and students will specialise in working with key technologies to solve some of the major societal challenges related to green energy and intelligent production.
"As a University, we can have an important influence on the future transformation of society by educating engineers who can put sustainable growth, intelligent production and energy supply high on the agenda," says Conni Simonsen.
The shortage of engineers in western Denmark will grow significantly in the years to come, and Bachelors of Engineering from Aarhus University currently have an unemployment rate of less than two per cent.
New Engineering Hub on the drawing board
In connection with the expansion in Herning, Aarhus University School of Engineering is planning to open an Engineering Hub. The idea is that companies, researchers and students should work closely together on developing new technology.
"We’re building business collaboration into our engineering programmes right from the first semester. This gives the students first-hand knowledge of the innovation needs of the business community, and businesses can access new knowledge," says Conni Simonsen.
The new Engineering Hub will be established before 2020, with special focus on digital transformation of industrial production.
Anders Frederiksen is the department head of the Department of Business Development and Technology at Aarhus BSS, which is located at the University's campus in Herning. He is looking forward to expanding collaboration with Aarhus University School of Engineering and strengthening the engineering study environment in the city.
"There are some exciting opportunities to forge synergies between the business-oriented programmes and technical engineering degree programmes, and these synergies will benefit all students. We have a long tradition of collaboration with the business community, and the new engineering degree programmes in machine technology and electrical power technology mean we can work with more companies in new sectors," he says.
Delighted Mayor
The Mayor of Herning, Lars Krarup (Liberal Party) is delighted with the news about the University's new study programmes in the city.
"More students in the city will be a great benefit for our municipality and region, and our companies will benefit too as we can improve the mix of degree programmes with more engineers," he says.
Conni Simonsen, director, Aarhus University School of Engineering