Aarhus University Seal

Slicing via PrusaSlicer

Download of PrusaSlicer

PrusaSlicer is a slicer that divides your STL files into layers, each of which describes how the print nozzle should move on the XY plane, when it should switch to the next layer, where it should be extruded, whether support should be used, what temperature you should print with, etc.

The software is free and can be downloaded right here:

Setting up PrusaSlicer

It is IMPORTANT that you set up PrusaSlicer correctly after downloading it!

This is done by downloading the PrusaSlicer Profile th. and select File -> Import -> Import Config Bundle ...

NB: You must NOT select Import Config ...

It MUST be Import Config Bundle ...

If problems should arise

You are always welcome to contact the MakerLab pilots (see links to the right) if you are unsure how to set it all up or it's just teasing.