Aarhus University Seal

Form of instruction at the Master of Science in Engineering

As an engineering student, you will have lectures, classroom teaching, laboratory experiments, project work and theoretical exercises (see below). You will be taught by active researchers, who will also be your project supervisors.


Teaching is often topic-based, and lectures provide an academic overview of the topic. Lectures guarantee that you cover all the central topics of the material. The majority of our lecturers actively involve students in their lectures, e.g. through quizzes. Lecturers at the Department of Engineering are all active researchers, so they themselves are using the most recent knowledge within their field. This makes teaching relevant and motivating, because as researchers they take outset in the very latest technologies and application of theory.

Lectures take place in lecture theatres or classrooms with classes of 30-300 students.

Laboratory exercises/workshops

As an MSc in Engineering, it is crucial that you understand and can apply your in-depth theoretical knowledge of the material in practical scientific work in workshops and laboratories. An experimental approach to learning is not only a key goal for our students (it’s in an engineer’s DNA), it is also an incredible help to understanding and remembering the theory from textbooks and lectures. Practical exercises therefore often enable you to think innovatively and outside the box. And this is what characterises an MSc in Engineering.

Exercises are carried out in laboratories or in workshops (depending on your choice of degree programme), and are supported by older students, PhD students and experienced practical staff. Exercises are followed up by a written report, on which you will receive feedback.

Practical exercises are carried out in small groups of 2-4 people.

Project work

As an MSc in Engineering student, you will be working on real and concrete problems in project work from the very start of the programme. This is important, because this is exactly what you will be doing once you have graduated.

Project work is your opportunity to work in a problem-solving and cross-disciplinary manner with the deep theoretical knowledge that you have acquired through lectures as well as through practical and theoretical exercises. Project work enables you to incorporate knowledge from many different courses in one overall process, and this is where you can really see the purpose of the theory you have learnt. The projects you’ll be working on can cover a wide range of engineering subjects. They may be sub-projects in major international research projects or projects in collaboration with the business community. They may also be projects developed by yourself frame or your lecturer.

Project work is often in groups of 2-4 people. Towards the end of the degree programme, work may be more oriented towards the individual. You’ll be supervised by your lecturers during project work.

Theoretical exercises

You cannot say ‘engineer’ without saying ‘mathematics’. Engineers must master mathematics to create technological solutions. Regardless of whether you are studying computer engineering, chemical engineering or civil and architectural engineering, you have to master mathematics so that you can apply the basic knowledge in larger projects later in your career.

Theoretical exercises are based on topics from lectures. Students meet to review assignments they have prepared in class or at home. At these sessions, you can ask ‘stupid ' questions, and your lecturer will often be an older student or a PhD student who has been through the same exercises.

The exercises are typically in classes of 10-30 students.