Aarhus University Seal

More than just reading books

If you choose a Bachelor of Engineering degree programme at Aarhus University, you’ll also be choosing an experimental approach to learning. Deep theoretical academic knowledge never gets to stand alone. A key objective for all engineering degree programmes is that students systematically learn to transfer theoretical knowledge into practical and scientific work in workshops and laboratories.

Laboratory and workshop training for all Bachelors of Engineering

You can immerse yourself in the laboratory and develop your engineering talent. During the first semester, you will take a laboratory and workshop internship, where you will learn to work professionally in experimental environments and to use scientific equipment.

The laboratories and workshops will be part of your daily life for many years to come, and the university has staff to help you realise ideas, produce prototypes and carry out experiments.
All engineering students have developed new solutions, inventions or finished prototypes when they leave Aarhus University: something not many degree programmes can boast of!

Engineering has many facets, and the technology you learn about during your studies can be used in many different contexts. Below is a small selection of projects by engineering students.